14.01.2021, 13-15 h, in German language. Registrations until 03.01.2021 (graduiertenakademie@tu-clausthal.de).
In September 2019, the Institutes of Technical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, the Clausthal University of Technology's Computer Center and the Clausthal-Göttingen Simulation Science Center jointly put a computing cluster into operation. The central CPU computing cluster, i.e. the server nodes with high computing power, large memory and a powerful high-speed connection, is available to all TUC scientists on request for their research projects. In principle, any scientific software that is either available in the form of a campus license at Clausthal University of Technology or is generally open source can be installed on the computing cluster.
The workshop starts with an overview of the services of the computer center for academic staff and then shows what possibilities there are in the use of central computing resources:
- First steps into the TU Clausthal computer cluster
- Technical data and potential possibilities
- Examples from research
- Alternative computing options at the HLRN
The workshop contains practical parts for which a second screen is advantageous but not mandatory.
Workshop leaders: Dipl.-Math. Natalia Rentzsch, Computer Center of the TU Clausthal and Dr. Alexander Herzog, Managing Director of the Simulation Science Center Clausthal-Göttingen
20-21.01.2021, 9-16.30 hrs each day. In German language. Please register by 05.01.2021 at graduiertenakademie@tu-clausthal.de
Aim of the event: Presenting a confident disputation, presenting your own disputation presentation with pleasure and dealing confidently with questions
The disputation is the culmination of a long phase of academic training. However, the day is often not looked forward to with serenity and joy. Excitement and doubts about one's own standing dominate the preparation. Use our disputation training to optimize a key competence of successful scientists for this occasion: Presenting your own research results confidently and convincingly. Guide your listeners through a structured world of thought! Mediate confidently between the screen and the audience! Inspire them! Become visible and train yourself to present convincing achievements persuasively:
- Psychology of the presentation
- Techniques to increase the conciseness of content
- Logical and varied structure
- Body language presence
- Strategies against stage fright
- Dealing with exam questions and interruptions
- Analysis of strengths and weaknesses
Methods used: Keynote speeches by the speaker, guided self-reflection, presentation by the participants in plenary, feedback from the group and trainer, problem- and solution-oriented exchange
Workshop leader: Prof. Dr. Daniel Wrede
26.01.2020, 13-16 h, in German language. Registration via the form on the computer center website for the relaunch: https://www.rz.tu-clausthal.de/ueber-uns/projekte-und-partner/website-relaunch
TU Clausthal uses the content management system TYPO3 to provide websites. It is used to create websites and allows you to manage and maintain content independently.
Since the homepage is the core component of the external presentation, updates are particularly important here, both in terms of external visibility and as a signal effect internally.
TU Clausthal has been online with a new website since July 1, 2019. The homepage is the university's showcase and an important marketing tool. The pages of the facilities, institutes, etc. are gradually being implemented.
The Typo3 training course is aimed at employees of Clausthal University of Technology who manage and maintain websites.
- Basic overview of TYPO3
- Frontend and backend
- The Typo3 page tree - creating, changing and deleting pages
- Creating page content with different page content types
- Creating multilingual content
- Creating news
- Tips & tricks for practical application
The training is expected to take place as a video conference. Please bring your specific questions to the training.
Workshop leader: Lena Hoffmann, PR Office TU Clausthal
26.01.2021 & 02.02.2021 & 09.02.2021, each 10 am - 4 pm, in German language. Registrations until 11.01.2021 (graduiertenakademie@tu-clausthal.de). Due to interactive parts, the workshop can only take place in presence and must therefore be postponed.
Graduates and doctoral students are often faced with the challenge of having to collect and analyze their own data in dissertations, projects and seminars. In order to acquire the necessary skills for this, this course will provide an insight into basic and advanced statistical analysis methods. The focus is on methods of market research and psychometrics. For this purpose, the methods listed below will be discussed in their approach and applied with example data sets using the free statistical software R.
Methods covered:
- Data preparation in R
- Correlation
- Contingency analysis and chi-square test
- t-test and other mean value comparisons
- Linear models such as regression and analysis of variance
- Factor and reliability analysis
- (Covariance-based) structural equation models
- Participants are expected to have previous knowledge of statistics (distributions, estimation, testing) and the specified statistical procedures (at least correlation, t-test, regression)
- Your own notebook with Windows, MacOS or Linux derivatives and sufficient user rights to install programs (please do not forget a power supply)
- R and RStudio software
Workshop leader: Prof. Dr. Thomas Niemand, Institute of Economics
03.02.2021, 14-16 h, in German language. Registrations until 19.01.2021 (graduiertenakademie@tu-clausthal.de).
The Covid-19 pandemic has shown that professional exchange between scientists can advance and accelerate research. But how can this work if the results achieved disappear behind payment barriers? At its core, this is also the consideration that formed the starting point for the open access movement. There are an increasing number of ways in which you can make your findings and even the (raw) data available to the whole world.
There is also a growing awareness that research that has been funded (sometimes multiple times) by taxpayers' money should not be withheld from the funders, i.e. the taxpayers. The aim of this course is to explain the advantages of Open Access (also with regard to one's own reputation), what to look out for when publishing one's own work Open Access and how to search specifically for Open Access publications. Of course, the University Library's support services on this topic will also be presented during the course.
Of course, there will also be room for your questions on the subject. You are welcome to offer current problems from your everyday academic life as examples in advance or on the day of the event.
The training will probably take place online via BigBlueButton. You will receive the access data by e-mail on the day of the event at the latest.
Workshop leader: Dr. Florian Strauß, University Library TU Clausthal
09-10.02.2021, 9-17 h, in German language, registration until 27.01.2021 (graduiertenakademie@tu-clausthal.de).
What defines my personality? What strengths and potentials characterize me and how can I make full use of them in the various leadership situations at the university?
It is not uncommon for academics to find themselves in challenging professional-lateral or hierarchical leadership situations. Our personality influences how we succeed in shaping leadership and cooperation in a flexible and situationally adapted way.
The workshop invites you to take an in-depth look at your own personality and leadership.
- Getting to know the JPP personality profile (Jungian Personality Profile)
- Examination of your own personality patterns and potentials
- Inputs on current leadership models and theories
- Situational and different - "leadership space" university
- Application of the JPP to your own leadership challenges through peer-to-peer exchange and feedback
Learning objectives of the event:
The aim of the seminar is to sensitize the participants to consciously recognize their own strengths and resources in leadership in order to be able to use them in a targeted manner. They
- get to know current leadership models
- recognize your personal leadership potential and resources
- reflect on your way of thinking and behavior in leadership situations,
- learn to exploit and use your potential in a more targeted way,
- create new scope for action by achieving a more precise self-perception.
Teaching methods:
The didactic and methodological focus is on practical work and experience-oriented exercises in alternating small groups, supported by the coach. This group work is supplemented by short theoretical inputs and reflection rounds in plenary sessions as well as peer counseling. Various analytical models are used to approach the topic from different perspectives.
Underlying models and theories
In this workshop, we work with the JPP (Jungian Personality Profile), a personality profile that highlights typical characteristics of one's own personality and is based on the development theory of C.G. Jung. According to C.G. Jung, every person is unique, but acts typically according to certain tendencies and patterns. In this workshop, you will get to know the JPP, a scientifically based instrument that helps you to better assess yourself and others and to further develop cooperation and leadership behavior.
Workshop leader: Dipl.-Ing. Christoph Schuseil, Organizational and Career Consulting, Braunschweig
11.02.2021, 9-11 a.m., in German language. Registrations until 27.01.2021 (graduiertenakademie@tu-clausthal.de).
TU Clausthal's computer center provides a cloud service for all university employees. The TU Cloud is an IT infrastructure that enables files to be stored online on TUC's own servers, synchronized between different end devices or shared with other TU members. The service also includes an office suite that enables collaborative editing of documents, tables and presentations in the browser. Real-time markers make it clear which user is currently working on which part of the document.
The workshop gives an overview of the potential of the Sync & Share service and shows how professional teamwork can be supported, especially in times of Corona:
- First steps into the TU Cloud
- Joint, simultaneous work on files
- IT security aspects such as encryption methods
The workshop contains practical parts for which a second screen is an advantage, but not mandatory. Previous knowledge is not required. Installations will be done in the workshop.
Workshop leader: Dipl.-Math. Natalia Rentzsch and Ingo Stapel, Computer Center of the TU Clausthal
In cooperation with the Graduate Academy, the EU Funding Advisory Service is offering an internal TU online workshop series on EU applications in the new EU Framework Program for Research and Innovation HORIZON EUROPE, in which there are still places available. The online workshops give you the "tools" to submit an EU application in collaborative research and to participate in it. The workshop series builds on the first part of the September 2020 workshop, whose documents can be made available to interested new participants in advance.
Target group: Professors, working group leaders, experienced research assistants who are planning or considering an EU application
Block I February 24, 1 - 3 p.m., 2 h
- Contents of an EU application (collaborative project)
- Scientific excellence: Scientific concept and "state of the art"
- Impact: Contribution to achieving the objectives of the work program, exploitation
- Implementation: Project, consortium and management structure
- One-pager repetition, task own work
Block II March 3, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m., 2 h
- Electronic submission system
- Required registrations and role allocation
- The steps of submitting an application via the Funding & Tender Portal
- Brief introduction to legal aspects
- Agreements before submitting the application (LoI, MoU, NDA)
- Grant agreement and consortium agreement
- Questions, summary
Block Budget March 3, 2:30 - 4 p.m., 1.5 h
- Budget calculation in Horizon Europe
- Principles of funding, cost categories, funding quotas
- Sample calculation (with practice phase and discussion of results)
- Questions and conclusion
If desired, the "Budget" block can also be attended independently of the other dates.
Workshop leaders:
Dr.-Ing. Heike Schröder, EU funding advice, TU Clausthal (questions regarding content), Tel. +49-5323-727752
Marc Muster, National Funding Advisory Service, Clausthal University of Technology (technical questions), Tel. +49-5323-727751
Please send your inquiries or registration directly to Dr. Heike Schröder heike.schroeder@tu-clausthal.de by Tuesday, February 09, 2021
03.03.2021, 9-12 am, in German language. Registration via the form on the computer center website for the relaunch: https://www.rz.tu-clausthal.de/ueber-uns/projekte-und-partner/website-relaunch
The content management system TYPO3 is used at Clausthal University of Technology to provide websites. It is used to create websites and allows you to manage and maintain content independently.
Since the homepage is the core component of the external presentation, updates are particularly important here, both in terms of external visibility and as a signal effect internally.
TU Clausthal has been online with a new website since July 1, 2019. The homepage is the university's showcase and an important marketing tool. The pages of the facilities, institutes, etc. are gradually being implemented.
The Typo3 training course is aimed at employees of Clausthal University of Technology who manage and maintain websites.
- Basic overview of TYPO3
- Frontend and backend
- The Typo3 page tree - creating, changing and deleting pages
- Creating page content with different page content types
- Creating multilingual content
- Creating news
- Tips & tricks for practical application
The training is expected to take place as a video conference. Please bring your specific questions to the training.
28.04.2021, 6 pm, participation limited! Please register at graduiertenakademie@tu-clausthal.de by 27.4.2021.
We want to exchange ideas on these personal topics in a small group and support each other.
Location: Learning space at STUZ, Silberstr. 1
Bring your corona test!
All hygiene measures will be regulated on site and compliance will be ensured.
We look forward to a lively exchange!
Ms. Heidi Hohmann, psychosocial counsellor of the Studentenwerk OstNiedersachsen, would like to come into exchange with you, give time for personal experiences, awaken resources.
04.05.2021, 9-11 a.m., in German language. Please register only for one of the events offered via the form on the computer center website for the relaunch: https://www.rz.tu-clausthal.de/ueber-uns/projekte-und-partner/website-relaunch
The content management system TYPO3 is used at Clausthal University of Technology to provide websites. It is used to create websites and allows you to manage and maintain content independently.
Since the homepage is the core component of the external presentation, updates are particularly important here, both in terms of external visibility and as a signal effect internally.
TU Clausthal has been online with a new website since July 1, 2019. The homepage is the university's showcase and an important marketing tool. The pages of the facilities, institutes, etc. are gradually being implemented.
The Typo3 training course is aimed at employees of Clausthal University of Technology who manage and maintain websites.
- Basic overview of TYPO3
- Frontend and backend
- The Typo3 page tree - creating, changing and deleting pages
- Creating page content with different page content types
- Creating multilingual content
- Creating news
- Tips & tricks for practical application
The training is expected to take place as a video conference. Please bring your specific questions to the training.
Workshop leaders: Lena Hoffmann & Björn Grönwoldt, PR Office & RZ TU Clausthal
04.05., 18.05. and 01.06.2021, 17-18.30 in each case
Workshop language is German or English, depending on the registered participants. Registrations until 20.04.2021 (graduiertenakademie@tu-clausthal.de).
First things first:
Circular Economy (CE) =! Recycling
What is the CE then?
In short: it's about completely rethinking and redesigning the human product and process world as you and I know it. Curious? Then you've come to the right place!
Maybe you're wondering what the topic of CE has to do with your work as a (post)doctoral student.
The core of CE is researching, designing and creating materials and products intended for the circular economy.
Sharing, reusing, renovating, redistributing and recycling are consistently considered, researched and designed from the outset.
This also includes processing raw materials from end-of-life products and thus closing the value streams from product to molecular level.
Sounds super theoretical or even exhausting?
It's not. We promise!
In order to implement the CE across the board (as is the aim in Europe, but also in China and the USA), approaches from all areas are needed: new raw materials, new procedures and processes, new machines/drives/systems, new business models, new logistics, new IT support for all processes and much more. As I said, it's about consistently rethinking and redesigning our current world.
And how does this relate to your future career in science or business?
CE is not only a key topic at Clausthal University of Technology, it is an integral part of the European Green Deal, is being funded with one billion euros in the Horizon 2020 program, is being driven forward by the BMBF through the Circular Economy Initiative Deutschland and is becoming an increasingly important factor for successful and sustainable business in the private sector across all industries. (Would you like examples from your industry? Just send us an e-mail after registering!)
In interactive and entertaining individual workshops, you will gain an insight into the circular economy that will allow you to
- Express yourself confidently on the topic of CE
- situate your project / research within it
- See research and business from a new perspective
- tackle your own CE project / research and
- take away a new mindset on research, development and implementation
Workshop leader: Dipl.-Ing. Maren Fabia Frank
06.05., 20.05. and 27.05.2021, each 3-5.30 p.m., in English. Registration until 22.04.2021 (graduiertenakademie@tu-clausthal.de).
This workshop - in cooperation with the Graduate Academy - aims at the development of the writing skills and specialized language required for PhD candidates writing in academic settings. The language practiced in this course goes beyond the B2/ C1 level of the CEFR to enable the participants to express themselves appropriately and effectively in a scientific and academic context.
The workshop consists of three sessions. Following each session, the participants assess and edit their own academic paper together with the workshop presenter.
Workshop leader: Dr. Hakan Gür, International Center Clausthal
11.05.2021, 6 pm, in German language. Registrations until 09.05.2021 (graduiertenakademie@tu-clausthal.de).
The third date of the virtual event will be held with Prof. Dr. Claudia Kemfert, Head of the Energy, Transport and Environment Department at the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW) and Professor at Leuphana University Lüneburg.
How the coronavirus crisis can lead us to a climate-neutral economy
The current coronavirus crisis makes it clear that systemic relevance and resilience are very important in times of crisis. Climate protection and the energy transition are solutions for both requirements: A successful energy transition that ensures a full supply of domestic renewable energy makes systemic sense and creates enormous economic resilience; it makes us independent of external negative shocks. It also strengthens regional value creation, promotes innovation and increases the competitiveness of the entire economy. In her presentation, Prof. Dr. Claudia Kemfert will explain exactly how the coronavirus crisis can be used as an opportunity to restart a climate-neutral economy.
19.05.2021, 14-16 h, registration until 05.05.2021 (graduiertenakademie@tu-clausthal.de).
Research is funded, sometimes repeatedly, by taxpayers' money. Nevertheless, the results of this research are withheld from the donors, i.e. the taxpayers. What sounds like a scandal has long been part of everyday life in the scientific community and still is in some places.
Professional exchange between scientists can and should advance and accelerate research. But how can this work if the results achieved disappear behind paywalls? Only those who are found will be read and cited. These are essentially the considerations that formed the starting point for the open access movement. There are now an increasing number of ways in which you can make your findings and even your (raw) data available to the whole world.
The aim of this course is to explain the advantages of Open Access (also with regard to your own reputation), what you should look out for when publishing your own work Open Access and how you can specifically search for Open Access publications. Of course, the University Library's support services on this topic will also be presented during the course.
Of course, there will also be room for your questions on the subject. You are welcome to offer current problems from your everyday academic life as examples in advance or on the day of the event.
The training will probably take place online via BigBlueButton. You will receive the access data by e-mail on the day of the event at the latest.
Workshop leader: Dr. Florian Strauß, University Library TU Clausthal
20.05.2021, 10-12 am, in German language. Registrations until 13.05.2021 (graduiertenakademie@tu-clausthal.de).
The Clausthal University of Technology's computer center provides all university employees with a central tool for designing and conducting web-based surveys. LimeSurvey is operated in the IT infrastructure of the TUC, access can be requested informally.
The workshop provides an overview of the potential of the survey service and shows how scientists can create online surveys.
- First steps into LimeSurvey
- Live demonstration
- Opportunity for mutual exchange of experiences
Workshop leader: Natalia Rentzsch, Computer Center and Junior Professor Dr. Thomas Niemand, Institute of Economics.
21.05.2021, 9-17 h, in German language. Registrations until 06.05.2021 (graduiertenakademie@tu-clausthal.de).
Work 4.0, agility, VUCA, new work, digitalization: the new world of work poses many challenges. Constant availability and high expectations of one's own performance create a lot of time and performance pressure for many specialists and managers.
Resilience is a key qualification for coping with these increasing demands and maintaining inner balance at the same time. It refers to the inner resilience to not only survive setbacks and challenges, but also to strengthen one's own personality in the long term by overcoming them. And this is where this workshop comes in:
You will learn how to strengthen your inner resilience in order to cope constructively with difficult situations.
- The basics of resilience
- The key factors of resilience and their importance in professional and personal life
- Analysis and development of your own inner resilience
- Resilience toolkit for everyday life: tools and strategies to build and strengthen resilience
In this workshop, you will develop concrete strategies for greater inner strength and crisis management skills in order to deal constructively with complex challenges and use them as an opportunity for personal development. You will activate and strengthen hidden resources and increase your self-efficacy.
Trainer input, group work, practical role plays, self-reflection and feedback sessions.
Workshop leader: Jens Behrend, Behrend Training - Mediation - Coaching
27.05.2021, 12-13 h, please register by 20.05.2021 (graduiertenakademie@tu-clausthal.de).
Dr. Grewe will give a short input on his career path. Afterwards there will be the opportunity to talk to each other. Please register by 20.5.2021 (graduiertenakademie@tu-clausthal.de).
Oliver Grewe is a neuroscientist and entered science management in 2008 after completing his doctorate. After holding positions at the German National Academic Foundation and the Scientific Commission of Lower Saxony, he now works as a consultant at the Volkswagen Foundation, first in the field of biomedicine and then in neuroscience. Together with colleagues, he has supervised and designed various funding initiatives such as "Experiment!", "Evolutionary Biology" and "Life?" and today supervises the "Freigeist Fellowships", a funding initiative that enables selected young scientists to set up their own junior research group at an early stage. He has also been active as a coach and trainer since 2015 and offers workshops throughout Germany.
03.06.-04.06.2021, 9-17 hrs, in German or English depending on registrations. Registrations until 20.05.2021 (graduiertenakademie@tu-clausthal.de).
Webinar: Convincing with the conference presentation?
As a scientist, presenting your own results is an important and frequent task: in seminars, at conferences, for the defense of your doctoral thesis or for the general public.
Aims of the workshop:
Convince with your own presentation at conferences and in meetings. To structure and present difficult topics in an understandable way. Build up presentation skills.
- Planning and structure
- Memorable beginnings and endings
- Language, voice and appearance
- Visualization and presentation media
- Slide structure
- Difficult presentation situations
Workshop approach: Teaching methods and strategies; if possible on actual presentations that have been given or will be given. Work on your own slides. Alternation between input - individual work - group work.
For preparation, please bring along upcoming or held presentations (digital).
Workshop leader: Dr. Carsten Rohr, Softskills in Hard Science
09.06.2021, 13-15 h, in German language. Please register only for one of the events offered via the form on the computer center website for the relaunch: https://www.rz.tu-clausthal.de/ueber-uns/projekte-und-partner/website-relaunch
TU Clausthal uses the content management system TYPO3 to provide websites. It is used to create websites and allows you to manage and maintain content independently.
Since the homepage is the core component of the external presentation, updates are particularly important here, both in terms of external visibility and as a signal effect internally.
TU Clausthal has been online with a new website since July 1, 2019. The homepage is the university's showcase and an important marketing tool. The pages of the facilities, institutes, etc. are gradually being implemented.
The Typo3 training course is aimed at employees of Clausthal University of Technology who manage and maintain websites.
- Basic overview of TYPO3
- Frontend and backend
- The Typo3 page tree - creating, changing and deleting pages
- Creating page content with different page content types
- Creating multilingual content
- Creating news
- Tips & tricks for practical application
The training is expected to take place as a video conference. Please bring your specific questions to the training.
Workshop leaders: Lena Hoffmann & Björn Grönwoldt, PR Office & RZ TU Clausthal
10.06.2021, 10-12 am, in German language. Registrations until 01.06.2021 (graduiertenakademie@tu-clausthal.de).
This seminar will teach you the general basics and structures of an application. In addition to the requirements of some funding bodies, the seminar will also cover the application support services offered by the relevant TUC service facilities. The focus of the seminar will be on national funding programs; requirements for European collaborative projects will be addressed in detail in a later workshop, probably in autumn 2021.
Application basics: From the project idea to the submitted research proposal
- Idea/project outline; funding research; application advice
- Application text and necessary content (e.g. work plan, budgeting)
- Preliminary application review; internal application/third-party funding notification; application submission
- Excursus: after project approval
Workshop management and Contact persons for content-related questions:
Staff unit for Service Center for Research and Transfer
Marc Muster, national funding advice, marc.muster@tu-clausthal.de, Tel. -7751
Dr.-Ing. Heike Schröder, EU funding advice, heike.schroeder@tu-clausthal.de, Tel. -7752
11.06., 18.06. and 25.06.2021, each 9-12 a.m., in German. Registrations until 28.05.2021 (graduiertenakademie@tu-clausthal.de).
For months now, doctoral candidates, postdocs and teaching staff have been facing special challenges. Work tasks relating to research, teaching and administration are carried out from the office or from home. Courses are usually designed as online formats and rarely possible in person. Collegial exchange and collaboration are more decentralized and have been reorganized in some cases. This situation requires a great deal of flexibility and resilience on a daily basis. And it raises the question of how productive working can work well or even better under the current conditions.
In this series of courses, proven strategies for self-management and helpful basic principles for teamwork are presented. We will discuss how you can implement these in the office, in the home office and in virtual space and where the limits lie. We always follow the motto "Work smarter - not harder". The three online seminars are supplemented by self-study phases in which you work independently on surveys/tasks/materials and try out small exercises in everyday life.
Self-management: the basics
Analyzing your individual work situation in the office/home office
Keeping track of deadlines and tasks, planning projects and time periods
Creating and evaluating daily logs
Self-management: successfully managing your workload
Setting priorities: Methods for goal-oriented work
Reducing effort: Methods for time-saving work
Promoting concentration and relaxation: Methods and background
Virtual teamwork: Collaborative working
Decentralized communication
Collaborative task and deadline management
Collaborative data processing and document management
Workshop leader: Dr. Peggy Fischer
15.06.2021, 9 am - 4 pm and 21.06.2021, 9 am - 10 am Feedback Follow Up, in German or English depending on registrations. Registrations until 01.06.2021 (graduiertenakademie@tu-clausthal.de).
The ideas of what an e-poster actually is range from the classic poster, which is simply presented digitally, to interactive posters that utilize the full potential of electronic media by integrating animations, audio/video files or hyperlinks. A broad spectrum of creative possibilities, which, however, largely depends on the specifications and technical conditions of the respective conference.
The workshop provides an overview of different approaches and imparts theoretical and practical knowledge of basic design principles so that a clear concept, an appealing visual design and a well thought-out dramaturgy can be realized. Participants will also have the opportunity to put this knowledge into practice immediately and then receive constructive feedback from the group and trainer on their e-poster designs.
Qualification goals:
- Knowledge of conceptual considerations: Target group, objectives, context
- Structuring of content, preparation and dramaturgy
- Application of design elements and design principles
- Handling corporate design guidelines
- Conception and practical design of posters - layout practice
- Discussion, analysis and feedback
- Knowledge of the technical requirements and application programs currently available
Workshop leader: Certified designer Birgit Lukowski
29-30.06.2021, 9-17 h, in German language. Registrations until 15.06.2021 (graduiertenakademie@tu-clausthal.de).
At the end of their doctorate, many are faced with difficult decisions. They not only have to tackle their professional entry into the professional world, but also gain an idea of how they imagine a successful life with their profession. "Career coaching" can provide valuable impetus and help with decision-making by determining where you stand.
Objectives of the workshop
At the end of their doctorate, most people reach a point where they want to critically question their own development path and examine the extent to which their idea of their future career is in line with themselves and their desired life situation. Specific questions could be:
- "I'm happy with my subject! What direction should my career take now? I don't yet have a concrete idea of the professional role in which I feel comfortable and could be successful."
- "I have the opportunity to join a company. Which one suits me - or which company do I actually fit in with?"
- "My professional focus is clear, but what interdisciplinary qualities actually make me special? What impulses do I want to set? What challenges do I enjoy and how can I get to the heart of the matter?"
- "I'm looking for a balance between my private and professional life. How can I achieve this?"
The focus of interest here is the desire to clarify one's own motives, abilities, inclinations and interests in order to be able to make well-founded professional decisions. To this end, they develop a clear profile.
The workshop "Career Coaching - My Career Profile" offers doctoral candidates this clarification aid and creates an incentive to take a closer look at their career path and to network with other doctoral candidates.
In the workshop, doctoral candidates go through a location analysis and gain clarity about their own career goals. The aim is to develop a profile of values, interests, qualifications and skills in a short space of time and to clarify the question - what do I actually want and where should my professional journey take me next? Participants receive essential feedback on their strengths and weaknesses. It becomes clear to them which fields of activity are suitable or not.
Teaching methods:
The didactic and methodological focus is on practical work and experience-oriented exercises in changing small groups, supported by the coach. This group work is supplemented by short theoretical inputs and reflection rounds in plenary sessions as well as peer counseling.
Workshop leader: Dipl.-Ing. Christoph Schuseil
01.07. (9-12.30 and 13.30-17 - 02.07.2021 (9-12.30), in German language. Registrations until 16.06.2021 (graduiertenakademie@tu-clausthal.de).
This workshop is offered as part of the postdoctoral program to support early career researchers who wish to pursue an academic career. Interested doctoral candidates are welcome to participate.
You would like to stay in academia and sharpen and plan your next career steps. You are still undecided and would like to shed light on your motives and opportunities for a career in science and reflect on them with
colleagues. This online workshop offers you the opportunity to approach your career goal in three steps based on your academic portfolio.
1. locating potential: recognizing and focusing on your own strengths and resources
2. focusing on goals: defining key areas of development in your academic portfolio, reflecting on future options
3. planning steps: Determine the next stages
- Use your own strengths and resources effectively.
- Recognize potential obstacles and successfully apply suitable strategies to overcome them.
- Align short and medium-term decisions with the goals you have set.
- Adjust your own career compass
In addition to the workshop, participants are offered individual coaching (60 minutes) after the online workshop. The following time slots are available for this (2.7., 3 and 4.30 pm; 12.7., 9 and 10.30 am; 13.7., 9 and 10.30 am; 14.7., 9 and 10.30 am; 20.7., 2, 3.30, 5 and 6.30 pm). You can make a reservation for an individual coaching appointment when you register for the workshop.
Such an offer supports participants in particular in working on and reflecting on individual topics and questions.
Workshop leader: Stephanie von Below
07.07.2021, 13-16.30, registration until 30.06.2021 (graduiertenakademie@tu-clausthal.de).
Research data management (RDM, saves time) is becoming an increasingly common topic in everyday scientific life. Research funders want data management plans (DMP), data should be FAIR, i.e. reusable and findable, machine-readable, stored in open repositories. They also like to simply refer to the preservation of "good scientific practice". When you encounter all this for the first time, it is usually when there is actually no time to read up on the topic.
Where is the time supposed to come from that would be needed in addition to working in the lab, on the test bench or researching the literature? But if it does become important for the project, the search begins for someone who is familiar with it.
The most important question usually arises right at the start of a project: what can be done at this stage of the research project to ensure that if such a problem arises, it can be dealt with without additional effort. Even small measures to adapt daily work can save a lot of time in the long term. In addition to this aspect of "organizing and structuring", the entire research data life cycle will be explained during this event.
Of course, the tools and aids already available at Clausthal University of Technology will also be presented, which can make everyday research a little easier.
FDM is not the same for every scientist and not for every subject area, so please feel free to bring your questions and problems to the event.
The event will be livestreamed via BBB. The access data as well as a small preliminary survey on thematic priorities will be sent by e-mail in good time before the event.
Workshop leader: Dr. Florian Strauß, University Library TU Clausthal
09.07. and 16.07.2021, both 9-16 hrs, in German language. Registrations until 24.06.2021 (graduiertenakademie@tu-clausthal.de).
The workshop is designed as a face-to-face workshop. Due to the current regulations, it is unfortunately not possible for us to hold the workshop. The event must therefore unfortunately be postponed to a date when it is possible for us to hold face-to-face events.
Graduates and doctoral students are often faced with the challenge of having to collect and analyze their own data in dissertations, projects and seminars. In order to acquire the necessary skills for this, this course aims to provide an insight into basic and advanced statistical analysis methods. The focus is on methods of market research and psychometrics. For this purpose, the methods listed below will be discussed in their approach and applied with example data sets using the free statistical software R.
Methods covered:
- Data preparation in R
- Correlation
- Contingency analysis and chi-square test
- t-test and other mean value comparisons
- Linear models such as regression and analysis of variance
- Factor and reliability analysis
- (Covariance-based) structural equation models
- Participants are expected to have previous knowledge of statistics (distributions, estimation, testing) and the specified statistical procedures (at least correlation, t-test, regression)
- Your own notebook with Windows, MacOS or Linux derivatives and sufficient user rights to install programs (please do not forget a power supply)
- R and RStudio software
Workshop leader: Prof. Dr. Thomas Niemand, Institute of Economics
13.07. (9-16.30h) and 27.07.2021 (9-12.30h or 13-16:30h, in two groups), in German. Please register by 28.06.2021 at graduiertenakademie@tu-clausthal.de
Even though project management is on everyone's lips, it is often difficult to implement project management stringently in the daily stress of everyday life, fast decision-making situations and complex issues. In addition, there is the question of a common understanding of the project management approach, which often results in the application of classic or agile project management becoming a question of faith. However, a strict separation between the different methods does not always make sense and therefore does not have to be an "either/or" question. The combination of different project management methods can be very promising, e.g. creating project plans in the "classic" way but taking an agile approach in individual iterations.
- Participants know the central questions and ideas of project management,
- Participants can differentiate between the central approaches, opportunities, limitations and requirements of classic and agile project management,
- Participants are able to use the right project management tools correctly,
- Participants are able to define the right project management approach for them, the project and the project team.
- Basic idea of agile and traditional project methods (in the VUCA world)
- Agile values, principles, basic assumptions, opportunities and challenges: Necessary framework for the successful integration of agile methodology
- Traditional values, principles, basic assumptions, opportunities and challenges: Necessary framework for the successful integration of classic methodology
- Agile and classic project management tools in the project life cycle
- Transfer to own project situation
Form of work
The trainer uses methods that are suitable for active learning processes. Methodologically, this seminar thrives on participation, co-creation, practical relevance & topicality by the participants and lively learning. The content is designed in such a way that practical exercises and theoretical models complement each other. The wishes and expectations of the participants are taken into account.
- Day 1: Approach to project management procedures and tools, reflection on own projects using the tools
- Day 2: Presentation of the individual implementation of the project management tools, deep dive into central topics, collegial practical advice
Workshop leader: Martina Richter
20.07.2021, 14-16 h, in German language. Registration via the form on the computer center website for the relaunch: https://www.rz.tu-clausthal.de/ueber-uns/projekte-und-partner/website-relaunch
The content management system TYPO3 is used at Clausthal University of Technology to provide websites. It is used to create websites and allows you to manage and maintain content independently.
Since the homepage is the core component of the external presentation, updates are particularly important here, both in terms of external visibility and as a signal effect internally.
TU Clausthal has been online with a new website since July 1, 2019. The homepage is the university's showcase and an important marketing tool. The pages of the facilities, institutes, etc. are gradually being implemented.
The Typo3 training course is aimed at employees of Clausthal University of Technology who manage and maintain websites.
- Basic overview of TYPO3
- Frontend and backend
- The Typo3 page tree - creating, changing and deleting pages
- Creating page content with different page content types
- Creating multilingual content
- Creating news
- Tips & tricks for practical application
The training is expected to take place as a video conference. Please bring your specific questions to the training.
Workshop leaders: Lena Hoffmann & Björn Grönwoldt, PR Office & RZ TU Clausthal
22.07.2021, 2-5 pm, please register by 11.07.2021 to graduiertenakademie@tu-clausthal.de
THE networking event for all doctoral candidates at TU Clausthal.
The Young Scientists' Day serves to network all young scientists at Clausthal University of Technology. Due to the pandemic, it will take place online this year. However, this does not prevent us from serving you a wide range of information and workshops on all aspects of doctoral studies! The day will be crowned by poster sessions in which you can talk to "old hands" about their experiences on the way to a doctorate and find inspiration for your own project. Once again this year, there will be attractive prizes for the best posters.
We will create a list of participants, which you can use to network with each other afterwards. We have also planned a little surprise for which we need your address.
Please state the following when registering:
I would like to appear on the list of participants: Yes / No
Contact details for the list of participants (e.g. link to social media profile, email, etc.)
(Institute) address/ affiliation
22.07.2021, (as part of the Young Scientists' Day), time to be announced, in German. Registrations until 08.07.2021 (graduiertenakademie@tu-clausthal.de).
In this seminar, European and national application options for early career researchers who have already completed their doctorate will be presented with regard to their own project management, in particular for financing their own position.
Funding programs for early career researchers: National and European funding channels for personal academic careers
- Requirements
- Individual funding (e.g. DFG, Alexander von Humboldt, Volkswagen Foundation, Individual Fellowships, Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions, ...)
- Funding for junior research groups (e.g. DFG, Federal Government, Helmholtz, Fraunhofer, Starting Grant European Research Council, ...)
- Consulting services
Registration via the Graduate Academy as part of the Young Researchers' Day.
Contact for content-related questions:
Office of the Service Center for Research and Transfer
Marc Muster, national funding advice, marc.muster@tu-clausthal.de, Tel. -7751
Dr.-Ing. Heike Schröder, EU funding advice, heike.schroeder@tu-clausthal.de, Tel. -7752
Presence workshop "Finite element simulations for doctoral students"
04-05.09.2021, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., computer room 2nd floor, Institute of Mechanical Engineering, in German or English. Please register by 30.08.2021 to graduiertenakademie@tu-clausthal.de. We ask participants to be fully vaccinated or have a current negative rapid test.
The workshop is intended to deepen the application of finite element software using the example of Ansys for doctoral students. The workshop trainer will give a brief theoretical overview. The participants will then work on tasks on various topics, which can be freely selected. The trainer will provide support and clarify any questions that arise.
Possible topics are e.g. non-linear simulations, convergence behavior, meshing, fiber composites, selection of hardware or scripting. Other topics are also possible. Please also bring practical problems that can be discussed.
If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Henrik-Johannes Stromberg (stromberg@imw.tu-clausthal.de).
Workshop leader: Henrik-Johannes Stromberg
23.09.2021, 9-16.30, in German language. Registration until 09.09.2021(graduiertenakademie@tu-clausthal.de).
Scientific ethics is based on integrity, respect and trust towards other scientists and the public as well as a critical approach to one's own research work. The online workshop Good Scientific Practice raises awareness of these principles and teaches participants values, processes and options for action in order to meet the standards of scientific work with care and competence. In terms of content, the course follows the guidelines for safeguarding good scientific practice (memorandum and code) of the German Research Foundation (DFG).
- Introduction to good scientific practice
- Mentoring in the scientific system
- Misconduct in scientific research
- Conflicts of interest in scientific collaboration
- Data management
- Publication ethics
The online workshop combines self-study (Vimeo videos) and open discussions via video conferencing (Zoom). An educational film sequence, a role play (partner/small group work), various video clips on case studies/difficult situations and a set of questions on data management (partner/small group work) contribute to a lively learning environment. Participants are actively involved and encouraged to compare their experiences in the scientific community with international standards of good scientific practice. Finally, they can test their decision-making with the help of an interactive platform
Workshop leader: Dr. Anne Hamker
30.09.-01.10.2021, 9-17 o'clock each day. In German or English, depending on registrations. Please register by 16.09.2021 at graduiertenakademie@tu-clausthal.de
Webinar: From "Developing an idea" to "Submitting a paper"
Publishing your results, be it your doctoral thesis or your next article, is the currency of modern science. It may not be the favorite task for PhD students, but it is a crucial one and contributes significantly to what research opportunities are open to you in the future.
Aims of the workshop:
To go through all the steps of the writing process using your own text as an example. Experience writing instead of pure theory.
- Developing a clear main statement
- Setting priorities in the writing process
- Practicing a scientific writing style
- Structuring and logical organization of the text
- Creating meaningful graphicsPlanning the overall process
- Collaborating with several authors
- Submitting and responding in the refereeing process
As a workshop: Teaching methods and strategies - working on own texts (paper, doctoral thesis). Alternation between input - individual work - group work.
Preparation: Bring your own texts (paper, doctoral thesis). Or identify research results from which a paper can be written.