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"The doctorate serves as proof of the ability to carry out in-depth independent academic work."

You may be motivated to consider a doctorate as the next step in your career for a variety of reasons. Reasons could be that you

  • are fascinated by science or enjoy delving into specific scientific issues
  • you aspire to a career in science
  • a doctorate is common in your field or
  • you are hoping for a higher income or better career opportunities.

If you decide to do a doctorate, however, you should in any case have the motivation and stamina for time-consuming academic work in addition to a fascination for your research topic. Before you start a doctorate, you should consider whether a doctorate

  • is useful or even necessary for your intended career path
  • fits in with your life planning, also with regard to the time that needs to be invested
  • can be financed or how this career phase can be financed.

You should also think about which type of doctorate is right for you:

If you are interested in choosing your research topic completely freely and dividing up and planning your research activities individually, an individual doctorate may be an option for you. If required, you can take part in interdisciplinary further training. However, you are under no obligation to take part in qualification programs.

If you prefer thematic integration into a doctoral or research program with an accompanying specialist training program, then a structured doctorate in a doctoral program could be of particular interest to you.

If you would like advice on the subject of doctoral studies or have decided to do a doctorate and are now wondering what the next steps are, we will be happy to support you. Please contact us and arrange a consultation appointment.