Workshop Statistical analysis methods with R - an application-oriented introduction
11./25.01./01.02.2019, each 10 am - 3 pm, seminar room 324 of the SWZ, Arnold-Sommerfeld-Straße 6, Clausthal-Zellerfeld. Registrations until 09.12.2018 (graduiertenakademie@tu-clausthal.de). Participation in all three dates is required.
Objective: Graduates and doctoral students are often faced with the challenge of having to collect and analyze their own data in dissertations, projects and seminars. In order to acquire the necessary skills, this course will provide an insight into basic and advanced statistical analysis methods. The focus is on methods of market research and psychometrics. To this end, the methods listed below will be discussed in their approach and applied with sample data sets using the free statistical software R. Basic knowledge of statistics such as distributions, estimation and testing is assumed.
Methods covered:
- Data preparation in R
- correlation
- Contingency analysis and chi-square test
- t-test and other mean comparisons
- Linear models such as regression and analysis of variance
- Factor and reliability analysis
- (Covariance-based) structural equation models
- Basic statistical knowledge
- Your own notebook with Windows, MacOS or Linux derivatives and sufficient user rights to install programs (please do not forget a power supply)
- Software R and RStudio
Workshop leader: Prof. Dr. Thomas Niemand, Institute of Economics
16.01.2019, 9-17 h, seminar room, Aula Academica, Aulastr. 8, Clausthal-Zellerfeld. Registration until 16.12.2018 (graduiertenakademie@tu-clausthal.de).
Topic of the event: Confident appearance, clear answers and interested questions are the key success factors in job interviews on your way to the next career step. On this day, we want to work together on your appearance in the job interview. You can try things out, learn how an interview is structured and receive direct, qualified feedback on your interview behavior.
- Practising a confident manner
- Dealing with typical questions
- Convincingly presenting breaks and gaps in your CV
- Presenting strengths authentically
- Formulating answers regarding your own areas of development (weaknesses)
- Asking the right questions
- Techniques for regulating excitement
Seminar format: systematic training: presentation and discussion in plenary, short discussion phases, role exercises, case discussions, individual feedback
Workshop leader: Prof. Dr. Daniel Wrede, trainer, lecturer, coach, Goslar
23.01.2019, 8 pm, Anno Tobak.
11.2.2019, 5-7 pm, seminar room 324 of the SWZ, Arnold-Sommerfeld-Straße 6, Clausthal-Zellerfeld.
Anyone who decides to pursue an academic career faces major challenges. In the area of conflict between your own research, projects and teaching, it is important to set priorities without losing sight of your own career. A good network is just as important as the actual teaching and research results.
The speaker, Prof. Elisabeth Clausen, reports on her experiences in shaping her academic career in research and teaching. She discusses dos and don'ts, which she always presents with an autobiographical reference.
20/21.02.2019, 9:00-17:00, seminar room 324 of the SWZ, Arnold-Sommerfeld-Straße 6, Clausthal-Zellerfeld.
Target group:
- Professors and research assistants who need to redesign their working groups and make them more efficient in order to achieve high quality results more quickly, who want to set up their projects in a customer-centered way, who find themselves in a rapidly changing environment and are constantly achieving new results within the framework of the project, which make it necessary to realign the project or who want to redesign the planning of scientific work in their institute.
The course is not suitable for doctoral students who are looking for new methods to structure their doctorate, as the course is strongly focused on the aspect of teamwork.
Registration form
Agile project management is used when classic project management methods are unlikely to lead to success. For over 10 years, agile project management methods have become increasingly popular in areas that need to respond to changing conditions in order to produce innovative results.
The seminar starts with the basics of classic project management and then addresses the framework conditions for agile projects. It uses methods from Scrum and Kanban to apply them to scientific research projects.
Intensive interaction between project participants, rapid reaction to changes and continuous feedback are essential elements of an agile project. The participants learn and practise the approach in agile projects using a practical example (scientific project with several people). A simulation of agile, iterative working methods with all participants makes it possible to experience agile working directly in the seminar.
Learning objectives:
The participants...
- know how to start agile projects and which tools to use for this and for further project management,
- get to know different structuring options,
- learn how to complete your project and learn from your projects.
Trainer: Oliver Emmler
25/26.03.2019, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., seminar room 324 of the SWZ, Arnold-Sommerfeld-Straße 6, Clausthal-Zellerfeld. Registrations until 10.03.2019 (graduiertenakademie@tu-clausthal.de).
Leadership tasks in science are becoming increasingly important, whether in project groups, work teams, between team colleagues, administrative staff or the management of students and assistants. Leadership in science does not only fail due to a lack of tools and knowledge of suitable methods. Efficiency-driven management concepts from the business world often do not fit in with the world of science with its open questions.
But how can leadership in science still succeed?
Task complexity and the degree of change in teams are usually high in science. This makes the transformational leadership approach all the more effective. Transformational leadership means that those involved follow their own intrinsic motives and develop a high level of responsibility and motivation through a shared vision.
Workshop objectives
In science, leadership takes place in many different ways - not only from manager to employee, but also in the opposite direction from employee to manager and laterally at eye level between equals.
This workshop is about getting to know the model of transformational leadership and applying it to your own challenges.
Participants will find answers to the following questions:
- What do I inspire myself and how can I inspire others as a result?
- How can leadership and influence succeed even if I do not have a formal leadership role?
- How can leadership also succeed between academic and non-academic staff? What is helpful to bear in mind?
- How can I achieve leadership the other way round - upwards?
- What do the findings mean for my everyday practice?
The participants:
- get to know the model of transformational leadership
- recognize and reflect on their own possibilities and potential to motivate and "take along" people in complex situations in order to achieve something together.
- advise each other collegially on their (leadership) challenges
In the workshop, doctoral students learn basic methods and techniques from leadership theory. In experience-oriented exercises and inputs, they reflect on their own (leadership) challenges and develop their own strategies for action.
Didactic - methodical means:
In order to reach the participants in a sustainable and practical way, the didactic-methodical focus is on the application of theory using their own "focal points" in cooperation as well as collegial exchange and advice in the group.
Workshop leader: Dipl.-Ing. Christoph Schuseil, organizational and career consulting, Braunschweig
04.04.2019, 9 am - 5 pm, meeting room 311 of the SWZ, Arnold-Sommerfeld-Straße 6, Clausthal-Zellerfeld. Depending on registration, either in English or German. Registrations until 21.03.2019 (graduiertenakademie@tu-clausthal.de).
"Publish or perish" - this guiding principle is more valid than ever in science today. The motivations for scientists to publish are very diverse and range from proving and disseminating research results, to strengthening their own reputation, to securing their livelihood as part of a scientific career. The quality of research is generally measured by the visibility of scientific results. The quality, but above all the quantity, of publications plays a prominent role and bibliometric factors are becoming increasingly important for measuring scientific performance. At the same time, the possibilities of publication platforms are at least as diverse as the scientists who want to use them. It is therefore important for young scientists to learn how to present their scientific results at an early stage, to know the options for publishing and to develop publication strategies. The workshop is aimed at early career researchers who have already produced their own research results and want to publish them as part of their strategic career planning.The participants learn about different forms of scientific publication, gain insight into the structure and quality criteria of a publication and discuss strategic concepts for the presentation of scientific results. A "publication roadmap" will be developed against the background of their own academic career.
Workshop program:
- Overview of publication platforms (speaker)
- Quality assurance and quality measurement of scientific publications (speaker)
- Quality instead of quantity - what characterizes a good publication (open discussion)
- Open Access - pros and cons (group work, followed by plenary discussion)
- Compliance with the rules of good scientific practice when publishing (speaker)
- The 4 questions when publishing (group work, plenary discussion):
- What do I publish?
- When do I publish?
- How do I publish?
- Where do I publish?
- Drafting an individual publication schedule (guided individual work, presentation in plenary)
Workshop leader: Prof. Dr. Annette Kolb, consulting and training for academics from Coachademics, Niedernhausen
08.05.2019, 15-17:30, Simulation Workshop 326 of the SWZ, Arnold-Sommerfeld-Straße 6, Clausthal-Zellerfeld. Registration is requested at: schreibwerkstatt@tu-clausthal.de
"Kick-off: Your writing group for doctoral candidates!"
In the meantime: Information material and networking of participants on Moodle.
More information at: Doctoral Writing Group
Leader: Simon Freise
14.05.2019, 8 pm, Anno Tobak.
More information at: Graduate regulars' table
Doctoral student writing group
15.05.2019, 15-17:30, Simulation Workshop 326 of the SWZ, Arnold-Sommerfeld-Straße 6, Clausthal-Zellerfeld.
1st moderated writing group meeting: "Regular feedback & motivation in everyday research - how do I set up a doctoral writing group?"
In the meantime: 1-2 self-organized writing group meetings; offer of supporting learning materials on Moodle; individual consultation offers by the Graduate Academy and the writing workshop.
More information at: Doctoral Writing Group
Leader: Simon Freise
16/17.05.2019, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., seminar room 324 of the SWZ, Arnold-Sommerfeld-Straße 6, Clausthal-Zellerfeld. Depending on registration, either in English or German. Registrations until 02.05.2019 (graduiertenakademie@tu-clausthal.de).
Target group:
Young scientists and researchers who work together in fixed or loose teams; work/research teams who want to work on their problem-solving skills and conflict resolution.
Content description:
Unresolved factual problems can quickly lead to interpersonal conflicts.
Conversely, unresolved conflicts can cause problems. In order to deal with such situations at work, it is important to be able to distinguish between problems and conflicts and to have suitable solution strategies for both situations.
The ability to deal constructively with conflicts is crucial for teamwork. Problem-solving skills are important in order to be able to organize work processes effectively.
Workshop topics:
- Recognizing and describing problems
- Developing and implementing solutions to problems
- Recognizing conflicts and developing solutions
- Communication for dealing with conflicts
- Measures for transferring what has been learned into everyday working life
In practical exercises, participants learn methods for solving problems and dealing with conflicts.
The aim of the workshop is to improve their own conflict and problem-solving skills.
Workshop leader: Dr. Eva Reichmann, owner of beruf & leben GbR
Scientists, engineers and economists"
23/24.05.2019, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., seminar room (RZ) 119, Erzstraße 18, Clausthal-Zellerfeld. Depending on registration, either in English or German. Registrations until 09.05.2019 (graduiertenakademie@tu-clausthal.de).
As a scientist, presenting your own results is an important and frequent task: in your own group seminar, at conferences, for the defense of your doctoral thesis or for the general public.
Aims of the workshop:
To be convincing with your own presentation or poster at conferences and meetings. Structure and present difficult topics in an understandable way. Build up presentation skills.
- Planning and structure
- Memorable beginnings and endings
- Language, voice and appearance
- Visualization and presentation media
- Slide structure
- Poster design
- Difficult presentation situations
- Characteristic presentation
- Video feedback
- Teaching methods and strategies - Work on own texts (paper, doctoral thesis).
- Alternation between input - individual work - group work.
Preparation: Bring upcoming or held presentations and posters (printed or digital).
Workshop leader: Dr. Carsten Rohr, graduate physicist, IHK trainer
04.06.2019, from 2 p.m., seminar room 324 of the SWZ, Arnold-Sommerfeld-Straße 6, Clausthal-Zellerfeld. Registration until 21.05.2019 (graduiertenakademie@tu-clausthal.de).
Target group: for new doctoral candidates
In cooperation with other stakeholders.
05.06.2019, 15-17:30, Simulation Workshop 326 of the SWZ, Arnold-Sommerfeld-Straße 6, Clausthal-Zellerfeld.
2nd moderated writing group meeting: "Designing exchange processes in writing groups"
In the meantime: 1-2 self-organized writing group meetings; offer of supporting learning materials on Moodle; individual consultation offers by the Graduate Academy and the writing workshop.
More information at: Doctoral Writing Group
Leader: Simon Freise
06.06.2019, 9-17 h, seminar room 324 of the SWZ, Arnold-Sommerfeld-Straße 6, Clausthal-Zellerfeld. Depending on registration, either in English or German. Registrations until 23.05.2019 (graduiertenakademie@tu-clausthal.de).
Successful third party funding acquisition is one crucial performance indicator in science. Moreover, good scientific projects need financial support from third party funding. In light of limited public funding, the securing of sources of financial support is an important task for a scientist. However, for many early - career scientists writing grant applications poses some difficulties and at first glance seems overwhelming.
Even though there is no guaranteed success, the methods and instruments of writing proposals can be learned.A prerequisite is an attractive project concept. If a convincingly formulated application is submitted, the chances of securing funding are good.
This workshop delivers proven grant application knowledge. It shows how strategic considerations naturally lead to a sound proposal.
The participants receive theoretical input and engage with the various aspects through guided excercises. These include group excercises, individual excercises, both with guided plenum discussions.
- The fundraising process in science (input from trainer, individual and group excercise, plenum discussion)
- Overview of the fundraising lanscape in Germany and the EU (input from trainer)
- Changing the perspective: the reviewers point of view (group excercise, plenum discussion)
- The logic and essence of a grant proposal (input from trainer)
- Basics of proposal writing (input from trainer, individual and group exercises, plenum discussions)
- Strategic considerations: structure and style (input from trainer, group excercises, plenum discussions)
- Proposal writing: My next steps (individual excercise)
At a later stage individual feedback will be given to proposal exposés.
Target group: experienced PhDs and Postdocs
Workshop leader: Prof. Dr. Annette Kolb, Consulting and Training for Academics from Coachademics, Niedernhausen
June 25/26, 2019, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., seminar room 324 of the SWZ and meeting room 311 of the SWZ, both located at Arnold-Sommerfeld-Straße 6, Clausthal-Zellerfeld. Registrations until 11.06.2019 (graduiertenakademie@tu-clausthal.de).
Why do some people find it so easy to achieve their goals, while others tend to lose out? Negotiation is a craft that can be learned and for which there are tools and strategies.
Negotiating is our daily business. We do it day in, day out and in very different situations and contexts: We negotiate about objectives at work, about the salary we are aiming for, about vacations or even how tasks can be distributed sensibly and fairly. Most people don't think about how they go about this. This often happens unconsciously and rather intuitively, usually with very different results.
Objectives of the workshop: The aim of this workshop is to consciously deal with your personal negotiating behavior and to improve it in order to be able to deal professionally and successfully even in difficult situations and with challenging negotiating partners.
The key questions are:
- What negotiation strategies do I use and how can I be successful and achieve good results?
- How can I achieve more than a compromise in difficult negotiation situations and with difficult partners?
- How can I negotiate fairly with my negotiating partner and at the same time be tough on the issue?
- How can I consciously integrate negotiation strategies into my everyday life and assert myself better?
The workshop is about how you can develop negotiation strategies that are really convincing and how you can find new ways out of deadlocks in order to develop common goals from opposing positions.
You will learn to assess the personality and negotiating behavior of others. You will learn procedures, strategies, methods and attitudes for conducting negotiations according to the principles of the Harvard concept and put these into practice in negotiation exercises.
You will have the opportunity to bring in your own negotiation situations, try them out and receive feedback in order to improve your negotiation skills.
Didactic - methodical means:
In order to reach the participants in a sustainable and practical way, the didactic-methodical focus is on the application of theory on the basis of own "focal points" in the cooperation as well as the collegial exchange and consultation in the group.
Workshop leader: Dipl.-Ing. Christoph Schuseil, organizational and career consulting, Braunschweig
02.07.2019, 8 pm, Anno Tobak.
More information at: Graduate regulars' table
03.07.2019, 15-17:30, Simulation Workshop 326 of the SWZ, Arnold-Sommerfeld-Straße 6, Clausthal-Zellerfeld.
3rd moderated writing group meeting: "Staying in the flow - developing your own writing"
Autonomous further work in writing groups; individual advice offered by the Graduate Academy and writing workshop
More information at: Doctoral Writing Group
Leader: Simon Freise
10.07.2019, from 2 p.m., Aula Academica, Clausthal-Zellerfeld. Registrations until 26.06.2019 (graduiertenakademie@tu-clausthal.de).
"We are convinced that there is no greater and more effective means of mutual education than working together." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
The aim of the Young Scientists' Day is to promote interdisciplinary networking among all young scientists. In a relaxed atmosphere, we would like to see an exchange across the traditional specialist disciplines, good conversations and discussions in order to look at one's own research projects from a different perspective, to find new solutions or even impulses and inspiration for completely new (joint) project ideas.
For more information, please go to the Young Scientists' Day.
10.9.2019, 9.30-16.30, Clausthaler Umwelttechnik Forschungszentrum (CUTEC, foyer and seminar rooms on the first floor, Leibnizstr. 23, 38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld). In German language. The event is part of the WiMINToring for the participants of the TU Clausthal mentoring program.
Who hasn't been there - meetings in the working group or in university committees that seem to drag on endlessly and in the end no binding decisions have been made? But how do you succeed in moderating confidently and purposefully in an academic environment
The foundation for this is laid in good preparation, for example with a clear target group analysis and realistic time planning. During the moderation itself, you promote the work process by visualizing the content in a memorable way. To do this, you need suitable visualization tools as well as verbal and non-verbal communication strategies. These can be learned and are presented and practiced in the workshop:
This gives all participants the opportunity to design a short meeting for their own everyday university work, lead it in the group and receive feedback from colleagues.
- You will be equipped with facilitation techniques that create a good and goal-oriented working atmosphere.
- You will be able to switch flexibly between different communication strategies depending on the group and environment in order to manage the team process with confidence.
- Phases of a meeting
- Moderation techniques
- Visualizations for working on topics
- Questioning techniques
- Body language
- Feedback culture
- Content-related impulses
- Small group work
- Moderated plenary sessions
- Practical work: leading a short meeting yourself with feedback
Workshop leader: Dr. Sylvia Lorenz, Training & Coaching, Braunschweig
11.09.2019, 8 pm, Anno Tobak.
More information at: Graduate regulars' table
12.09.2019, 9-15.30, Seminar room 119, Computer Center TU Clausthal, Building B5, Erzstr. 18, Clausthal-Zellferfeld. In German language. Registrations until 04.09.2019 (graduiertenakademie@tu-clausthal.de).
Microsoft Outlook is a powerful collaboration tool and can provide useful support for professional teamwork. This workshop briefly covers the most important Outlook functions to facilitate collaboration in a working group:
- Email functionalities in a team e.g. categorizing emails, using voting buttons for surveys
- Scheduling e.g. use of shared calendars and group calendars, effective meeting planning
- Task management e.g. create tasks and notes, delegate tasks and check task status
- Public folders e.g. assigning rights for public folders to share documents with defined groups
- IT security e.g. terms of use for e-mail traffic at Clausthal University of Technology, encryption methods, e-mail etiquette
The workshop contains practical parts for which you will need your own laptop with Microsoft Outlook installed. Participants must also have already migrated to the Exchange system; if in doubt, please register in good time in advance via support@rz.tu-clausthal.de.
Workshop leaders: Dipl.-Math. Natalia Rentzsch and Oliver Koch, Computer Center TU Clausthal
27.09.2019, 8 p.m., Aula Academica, Aulastr. 8, 38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld. Registrations until 13.09.2019 (graduiertenakademie@tu-clausthal.de).
15.10.2019, 13:30, Cafeteria of Clausthal University Library, C1, Leibnizstraße 2, Clausthal-Zellferfeld. In German language.
For more information please go to the Coffee Lecture page of Clausthal University Library.
Workshop leader: Dr. Jacqueline Leßig-Owlanj, Head of the Graduate Academy Office
24.10.2019, 3-5 p.m., IZC, R9, A2, Graupenstraße 11, Clausthal-Zellerfeld. In English language. Registration until 03.10.2019 (graduiertenakademie@tu-clausthal.de).
This workshop - in cooperation with the Graduate Academy - aims at the development of the writing skills and specialized language required for PhD candidates writing in academic settings. The language practiced in this course goes beyond the B2/ C1 level of the CEFR to enable the participants to express themselves appropriately and effectively in a scientific and academic context.
The workshop consists of three sessions. Following each session, the participants assess and edit their own academic paper together with the workshop presenter.
Workshop leader: Dr. Hakan Gür, Clausthal International Center
22.10.2019, 9-17 h, Seminar room 204 of the ICVT, C16, Leibnizstr. 17, Clausthal-Zellerfeld. In German language. Registrations until 08.10.2019 (graduiertenakademie@tu-clausthal.de).
The following questions will be addressed:
▪ How do I find out which salary expectations match a job advertisement or a company?
▪ How do I conduct a skillful/successful salary negotiation?
▪ How do I prepare for this?
▪ What counterarguments or negotiation strategies could my boss have?
▪ How and when can I ask for a salary increase?
▪ What alternatives or supplements are there, e.g. company car, etc.?
▪ What scope is there for a salary adjustment if I am paid according to the pay scale?
▪ How does this differ in the case of non-tariff employment?
▪ How can I include long-term goals or career aspirations in a salary negotiation?
▪ What is the employer's perspective in a salary negotiation?
▪ What leeway do employers have and what goals and interests do they pursue (apart from paying as little as possible)?
Workshop leader: Dr. Christian Kühl, Anxo Management Conculting GmbH
23.10.2019, 2-6 pm, seminar room 324 of the SWZ, C9, Arnold-Sommerfeld-Straße 6, Clausthal-Zellerfeld. In German language. Registrations until 11.10.2019 (lakog-niedersachsen@hs-hannover.de).
Every year, hundreds of new professorships are filled at universities of applied sciences across Germany. Many female academics are not sufficiently aware of the career path and the associated professional opportunities and prospects. It is often not recognized that a professorship at a university of applied sciences is an attractive career goal with a broad and challenging range of tasks.
The event provides information about the job profile of a female professor at a university of applied sciences and presents possible career paths and professional requirements. Female professors, including former academic staff at Clausthal University of Technology, will talk about their day-to-day work at universities of applied sciences and answer questions.
Female postdocs, doctoral students, Master's students of all subjects and other interested parties are welcome to attend this event.
Childcare will be provided at the venue. Please let us know your requirements by 11.10.2019 at familie@tu-clausthal.de.
For more information, please see the official flyer of the event or go to the News page of the Equal Opportunities Office.
Workshop leader: HS Hannover/ Equal Opportunities Office
29.10.2019, 9-11 a.m., IZC, A2, Graupenstraße 11, Clausthal-Zellerfeld. In English language. Session 2.
Workshop leader: Dr. Hakan Gür, Clausthal International Center
12.11.2019, 5-7 pm, seminar room 324 of the SWZ, C9, Arnold-Sommerfeld-Straße 6, Clausthal-Zellerfeld. In German language. Registrations until 29.10.2019 (graduiertenakademie@tu-clausthal.de).
Leader: Dr. Sebastian Lück, d-Fine
13.11.2019, 8 pm, Kellerclub in the StuZ
14/15.11.2019, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., seminar room 2, Aula Academica, Aulastraße 8, Clausthal-Zellerfeld. Optionally in English or German language. Registrations until 01.11.2019 (graduiertenakademie@tu-clausthal.de).
Scientists don't usually do research for the money. Research has more to do with being curious and with a drive for discovery.
The inner drive to discover can often be sabotaged by the small stuff of everyday working life: Processing paperwork, waiting for supplies/permission/time slots/other people or being assigned tasks that have nothing to do with your own project....
Back to the essentials
- Prioritize in everyday work
- Choose according to the Pareto principle
- Delegate instead of micromanage
- Automate processes
-Changing the work culture in your own environment
- Synergizing with colleagues
- Artful elimination of tasks
In this workshop, I assume that you basically like what you do. This leads to the question: How can you do mainly THAT and reduce the distracting rest? This workshop is not a time management seminar. We are trying to reduce work.
I am also interested in long-term solutions. Short-term gains that result in nobody talking to you afterwards are off the table.
Your personal toolbox
This workshop provides a toolbox of possibilities that you can use in your daily working life. Not all tools will fit all personal situations, but with several options there is a good chance that some of them will work. Of course, situations will only change if the approaches in this training are applied in real life. Therefore, part of the seminar is dedicated to the implementation of your own ideas. So please bring a laptop.
Workshop leader: Dr. Carsten Rohr, graduate physicist, IHK trainer
19/20.11.2019, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., seminar room 324/meeting room 311 of the SWZ, Arnold-Sommerfeld-Straße 6, Clausthal-Zellerfeld. In German language. Registrations until 05.11.2019 (graduiertenakademie@tu-clausthal.de).
What defines my personality? What strengths and potentials characterize me and how can I make full use of them in the various leadership situations at the university?
It is not uncommon for academics to find themselves in challenging professional-lateral or hierarchical leadership situations. Our personality influences how we succeed in shaping leadership and cooperation in a flexible and situationally adapted way.
The workshop invites you to take an in-depth look at your own personality and leadership.
- Getting to know the JPP - personality profile (Jungian Personality Profile)
- Examining your own personality patterns and potentials
- Inputs on current leadership models and theories
- Situational and different - "leadership space" university
- Applying the JPP to your own leadership challenges in collegial exchange and feedback
Learning objectives of the course:
The aim of the seminar is to sensitize the participants to consciously recognize their own strengths and resources in leadership in order to be able to use them in a targeted manner. They
- get to know current leadership models
- recognize their personal leadership potential and resources,
- reflect on their ways of thinking and behaving in leadership situations,
- learn to exploit and use their potential in a more targeted way,
- create new scope for action by achieving a more precise self-perception.
Teaching methods:
The didactic and methodological focus is on practical work and experience-oriented exercises in changing small groups, supported by the coach. This group work is supplemented by short theoretical inputs and reflection rounds in plenary sessions as well as peer counseling. Various analytical models are used to approach the topic from different perspectives.
Underlying models and theories
In this workshop, we work with the JPP (Jungian Personality Profile), a personality profile that highlights typical characteristics of one's own personality and is based on the development theory of C.G. Jung. According to C.G. Jung, every person is unique, but acts typically according to certain tendencies and patterns. In this workshop, you will get to know the JPP, a scientifically based instrument that helps you to better assess yourself and others and to further develop cooperation and leadership behavior.
Workshop leader: Dipl.-Ing. Christoph Schuseil, organizational and career consulting, Braunschweig
Cooperation with the ZHD
21.11.2019, 3-5 p.m., IZC, A2, Graupenstraße 11, Clausthal-Zellerfeld. In English language. Session 3.
Workshop leader: Dr. Hakan Gür, Clausthal International Center
03./04.12.2019, 9 am - 5 pm, Seminar room 324 of the SWZ, Arnold-Sommerfeld-Straße 6, Clausthal-Zellerfeld. In English language. Registrations until 20.11.2019 (graduiertenakademie@tu-clausthal.de).
Participants will:
- learn the principles of publication layout
- learn about presenting results and designing figures
- get introduced to general writing techniques
- learn the principles of good scientific writing
- learn to structure and write own scientific texts
- learn to review texts and give feedback to others
The workshop will give participants the opportunity to learn to produce well-structured and well-written scientific texts. The workshop includes a theoretical introduction which is enhanced and consolidated by structuring and writing exercises as well as peer feedback. This highly interactive approach ensures a lasting enhancement of the writing skills of the participants, enabling them to write their own publication.
Course format
- Interactive workshop with group work, including extensive exercises and examples.
- Feedback on written texts by the trainer and by other course participants
- Evaluation of texts provided by other participants
Course material
- Customized handbook including references and further reading
Workshop leader: Dr. Christina Schütte, ProSciencia Beratungs GmbH - Consulting, training of scientists for scientists
12/13.12.2019, on 12.12.2019 9-17 o'clock, on 13.12.2019 9-13 o'clock, seminar room 119 of the University Computer Center, TU Clausthal, Erzstr. 18, 38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld. In German language. Registration until 28.11.2019 (graduiertenakademie@tu-clausthal.de).
Textbooks and secondary literature need to be read, the selection and evaluation of scripts and specialist texts is still pending and the time for submission is getting closer and closer! How are you supposed to cope with the flood of information? When should you read it all? And how can you remember it all and access it safely?
In just 1.5 days, you will double or quintuple your personal reading speed. You will learn how to securely store the information that is relevant to you so that you can retrieve it when you need it. You will learn different techniques for different types of text and practise them during the seminar.
➡ Determine your current reading speed
Everyone recognizes their own reading speed without anyone in the group being outed as a possible "slow reader"
➡ Train various reading techniques for different reading requirements
You will learn speed reading, cross-reading and diagonal reading. One technique enables you to read quickly AND accurately, while another allows you to skim and explore texts very quickly. The presentation of the reading technique will alternate with practical exercises so that you will have mastered all of these techniques by the end of the seminar
➡ Safe memorization and better retention
Reading is not the same as learning. You will be given some simple memorization techniques to help you remember the content permanently
➡ Concentration training
Some people read a page, get to the bottom and realize when they turn the page that their mind was somewhere else entirely. Save time by using a simple concentration exercise to stay focused and avoid having to read the text twice
➡ And what happens after the course?
You can take our unique interval training, which will inspire you during the seminar, home and/or to the office. You will receive all the audio files and exercises. With just one weekly training session you will achieve your new status quo and from two training sessions (lasting just 10 minutes) you will improve even further after the course!
Workshop leader: Udo Gaedeke, Scanreading
17.12.2019, seminar room 324 of the SWZ, Arnold-Sommerfeld-Straße 6, Clausthal-Zellerfeld. In German language. For more information please visit the website of the Equal Opportunities Office.
Workshop leader: Dr. Sylvia Lorenz, Equal Opportunities Office